Client Rights and Responsibilities

For more information about the rights of patients and consumers when seeking or receiving healthcare services in Australia, please refer to the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights (This web site contains links to other sites that are external to QUT. We take care when linking to external web sites but we have no direct control over the content of the linked web sites, or to the changes that may occur to the content on those sites. It is the responsibility of the user to make their own decisions about the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of information contained in linked external websites.)

QUT Health Clinics aim to provide quality clinical education to the next generation of healthcare professionals, and quality care to the community. Clients of QUT Health Clinics are seen by QUT students undertaking clinical placement in their relevant discipline. Students are supervised by qualified and experienced practitioners.

Clients, healthcare providers and health service organisations all have important roles to play in achieving healthcare outcomes. Everyone seeking or receiving care in the Australian health system has certain rights and responsibilities relating to the nature of care provided. The rights include access, safety, respect, communication, participation, privacy and comment which are described below in further detail.

By attending and receiving services at the QUT Health Clinics, you acknowledge and agree to abide by this Charter of Client Rights and Responsibilities. Where, in your interactions with staff, students, other clients or attendees of the clinics, you do not comply with the standards of acceptable and safe behaviour set out in this Charter, a recommendation may be made to the Executive Dean that no further treatment will be provided to you by the QUT Health Clinics.

Charter of Client Rights and Responsibilities

  Client rights Client responsibilities

Adequate and timely health care.

Access to healthcare services at QUT Health Clinics may require payment for services provided.

Access to healthcare services at QUT Health Clinics in accordance with clinic practices regarding appointment scheduling.

Advise QUT Health Clinics of changes to contact details.

Be aware you may need to wait for your appointment when QUT students and staff are attending to other clients.

Attend appointments or notify QUT Health Clinics if you are unable to attend.

Pay fees relevant to services received.

Safety Receive a safe and high standard of care provided by QUT students and staff.

Provide accurate information about your health and any other relevant information that may impact on your care.

Alert QUT students and staff of any changes to your health status.

Alert QUT students and staff to any concerns that you may have in respect to the care you have been provided.


Be informed about services, treatment options and costs in a clear and open way.

Open and timely communication in respect to your healthcare in a way that you can understand.

Be open and honest and ensure to request further information if you do not understand.

Advise QUT students and staff if English is not your first language so an interpreter can be arranged in person or by phone if you wish.

Participation Discuss any concerns that you have and in respect to your treatment with treating QUT students and staff. Ensure that you ask questions so you are well informed about your condition and options available before providing consent.
Respect Be shown respect, dignity, and consideration which may relate to respect of your culture, beliefs and personal needs/requirements.

Advise QUT students and staff of circumstances in respect to your culture and beliefs so you can be treated appropriately.

Treat all QUT Health Clinics students and staff with respect and dignity.

Have respect for all other clients and QUT students and staff – refrain from any aggressive, abusive, threatening or other unacceptable behavior.


Privacy and confidentiality of your personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) and QUT’s Information Privacy Policy.

Access to your file in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) and QUT’s Information Privacy Policy.

Accept that your health information may be shared with healthcare providers and other agencies authorised by law.

Request that your recorded health information is corrected if it is not accurate.

Respect the privacy and confidentiality of other clients.


Comment and provide feedback on the care that you have been provided.

Lodge a complaint to have any concerns investigated and responded to.

Advise QUT students and staff if you have any concerns or problems so they can be addressed

For more about how this practice collects and uses information, please refer to the Privacy page.

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Find us at
Kelvin Grove
44 Musk Avenue
Kelvin Grove QLD 4059 Australia